Add restrictions to a PDF
Use this action to add restrictions to prevent copying, printing, and modifying a PDF document.
The PDF specification allows setting restrictions to some uses, such as copy, print, filling forms, etc. It’s up to each PDF software to enforce these restrictions, and they are trivial to remove. This is described on page 122 of the PDF specification: “Once the document has been opened and decrypted successfully, a conforming reader technically has access to the entire contents of the document. There is nothing inherent in PDF encryption that enforces the document permissions specified in the encryption dictionary.”
File Content
The content of the input PDF document.
- This field is Required
- The type is File
Owner Password
The password required to open and change permissions of the PDF document.
- This field is Required
- The type is String
- The length is between 4 and 32 characters.
The characters in the password must be in the ASCII printable range (between positions 32 and 126). This range includes lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, space, and some commonly used symbols like . , : ; # $ % & ( ) * + = ? !
User Password
The password required to open the PDF document.
- This field is Optional
- The type is String
- Has the same requirements as Owner Password
Allow Copy Content
If set to True, users can copy the text, images, and other content to the clipboard.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Change Content
If set to True, users can change the content of the document.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Print
If set to True, users can print the document.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Print High Resolution
If set to True, users can print the document in high resolution.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Comment And Fill Form
If set to True, users can add, edit and modify annotations and fill form fields.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Fill Form
If set to True, users can fill forms fields.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Assemble Document
If set to True, users can assemble and manipulate the document (add or remove pages, merge, etc).
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Allow Accessibility
If set to True, accessibility programs can read the text and images of the document.
- This field is Optional
- The type is Boolean (True or False)
Locked PDF File Content
The content of the locked PDF document.
- The type is File
- You can use it as an input to other actions in your flow.